It all started with a doll I made for a friend of mine, my best friend. I called this doll Pinuccia, she was a rag doll, with a hand drawn face, woolen hair. If I remember correctly she had braids and a sweater made by me. Unfortunately I don't keep any photos of her.
I took this doll with me to the theater, friends complimented me, there were those who asked me to make one for a fee. At that moment I had no intention of creating other dolls, for me that was a gift. Some time passed and, almost by chance, I took a course for the recovery of sheep's wool which here in the Apennines is no longer used and often ends up in landfills. My passion for making little creatures, dolls, immediately re-emerged, and this was my very personal way of recovering wool.

The architect who was in charge of the project then fell in love with my first doll in natural wool, it had no colors other than sheep's fleece: white, brown, gray. She told me she was sure that sooner or later that would become my job. From there Pupillae was born, from that first doll and from the trust that some people have placed in me. This is why I think it is a love story. For the first time I felt I was doing something that I liked, that mirrored me and I began to believe it. I have to thank my partner who has always supported me and continues to encourage me to believe in my dream.

Later I started to get interested in clay and I started working with paper clay and wood clay. Just like in a love story that you care about and that you want it to always continue, I began to feed Pupillae with ever new stimuli, learning new techniques, readings, trying to indulge my natural curiosity and the desire to learn, making new experiences.
Everything brings me back to her and feeds her.

I hope you enjoyed this story, if you want to keep in touch with me and with Pupillae subscribe to my newsletter, I am about to present a novelty called "Pupillae's secret chest", if you are curious I leave you the link to subscribe to the newsletter because it is something reserved for members.
Scrivi commento
Katy Poenaru (domenica, 18 luglio 2021 18:27)
I can't thank you enough for unlocking in me the joy of making dolls ! I always loved dolls and your beautiful Mori Girl encouraged me to try my hands on making my own ones. Though I am far from your talent, I find much joy in creating dolls and I keep following your art in awe and big joy!